2017 JINDAQUAN company outdoor training
07 Aug 2017 - Jindaquan,teamwork
2017 JINDAQUAN company outdoor training
During 14th to 15th July , Jindaquan sales team attend outdoor training in one of the islands in shenzhen city .
It was super hot summer here these days , but the trainees did best to fullfill the task the Training Instructor requests.
It is mainly about teamwork cooperation training , every project success cant leave any member effort. everyone is very friendly and nice to help each other , eventhough they are all from different companies . teamwork makes every one into a great unity when processing the task .
We love this training , even though we got a lot of punishments because failing the task , and very tired , but it teached us a lot of things , how to think and how to cooperate to make work as better as possible , and cooperate better with customer to achieve more in our daily job .
We would be waiting 2018 training soon ! it would be another renew for Jindaquan company team .