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outdoor training for impact modifiers staffs teams | jindaquan

23 Oct 2015 - impact modifiers team,jindaquan

In july this year from 17th to 18th, jindaquan domestic and oversea impact modifiers sales and manager had a outdoor training for experiencing more practises. 

It's a experimental training, we have playing many games as belowed picture. Games including competition with each team, and from the game, we have learn a lot about ourself, our team, our thinking way, our working way, our communicating way. thus find out the shortages and then find way to solve it. 

It's not a normal traning , it's kind of training in soul ! 

first day trainingblind gamesfind the numbers in orderlet the ball stay longerto get up on the wall toppull the last 2 of 78 peoplewe win in the end